What detergent do you use? Most likely, you’ve been using the same detergent for years or forever, never considering a change. While this isn’t the worst practice, why not upgrade to a better laundry detergent? Most detergents work well enough, but the best brands have extra stain fighting ability, great scents, and added features that make them stand out. Other factors to consider include cost and skin sensitivity to some scents or chemicals.
The Best Liquid Laundry Detergent
According to various reviews from Consumer Reports, USA Today, and Good Housekeeping, the top rated name brand liquid laundry detergent is Persil ProClean. For sensitive skin, Persil ProClean Sensitive Skin is also Consumer Report’s top pick for sensitive laundry detergent. Persil ProClean is a newer brand, on the market for less than 5 years, but it has made a name for itself. Studies have shown that it does more to remove stains than other top brands, so for stain fighting power and sensitivity, Persil is the way to go.
The Best Powder Laundry Detergent
Our favorite powder detergent is Tide Plus Bleach Powder Detergent. While powder detergent has fallen out of style, it is still a favorite for many and commonly used in laundromats. The Tide Plus Bleach Powder has a splash of color-safe, non-chlorine bleach, so it won’t harm any of your colors and will give whites an extra pop. It’s also a more affordable option for many, depending on where you purchase it.
The Best Detergent Pods
Detergent pods are the newest fad, though they’ve been around for a few years now. The appeal of the pods is that you get a no mess, accurate measurement each time. If you choose to use pods, keep them out of reach of children and animals – they are extremely toxic. Some pods also don’t evaporate well, so we recommend putting the pods in before the laundry itself. The top choice for pods is the original Tide Pod 3-in-1. Three in one protection covers detergent, extra stain fighters, and a color protector formula. Pods can be a little pricier than liquid or powder detergent, but for many the cost is worth the convenience.
The Best Hypoallergenic Detergent
For those with extra sensitive skin, allergies, or for babies with sensitive skin, use Kirkland Signature Ultra Clean Free & Clear. Kirkland is CostCo’s in-store brand, but you can still purchase this detergent on Amazon or elsewhere, although CostCo is cheaper. This detergent does well with removing stains, and is free from any dyes or perfumes that may cause a reaction for those with sensitive skin. It’s also the least expensive of the quality hypoallergenic detergents, another plus.
Find Your Favorite Laundry Detergent
Many people pick a brand and stick with it, but why not try new detergents to see if some work better? Try the laundry detergents on this list to see if your clothes are cleaner and more vibrant, to save money, or to enjoy a new scent.